On Saturday, August 25th, two 13-year-old girls from West Hartford embarked on a Journey Home makeover with our Making a House a Home program. Lucy Kabakoff and Marley Brown were working on their mitzvah project for their upcoming bat mitzvah celebrations. In a matter of a few short hours they transformed a bare apartment into a fully furnished home for a mother and her four children. They reflect on their day below…
“Journey Home was a great experience. It made us appreciative of what we have. Also, it showed us how capable we are to help others in need. The day we did the project we did not know what to expect at the beginning, but by the end, we were so proud of what we accomplished and how happy the family was. Part of being a bat mitzvah is doing a project that helps or gives back to others. In the Jewish religion It is known that the highest form of a mitzvah (a good deed) is helping someone help themselves. That is what we were able to do when doing this project. We played a part in helping this family be successful.”