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The Chronically Homeless Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Preference has
been established through the City of Hartford and Imagineers for households
who meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition of
chronically homeless (homeless a year or longer and has a disability) or those
that are ready to move out of Permanent Supportive Housing into more
independent living. Journey Home has served as the coordinator of this
preference on behalf of the Greater Hartford CAN since its establishment in July,
2016. In less than a year since implementation, 94 households have signed leases
through this preference and 21 additional participants currently have vouchers
and are in the process of finding units.

The implementation of this preference has been critical to creating turnover in
our region’s permanent supportive housing programs allowing us to serve more
chronically homeless households who may benefit from supportive services.
Partnering with Greater Hartford CAN network of providers allows for the
identification of households who would benefit most from this preference.
Housing Providers provide three months of follow-up support to their clients as
they move on from permanent supportive housing to ensure a smooth and
gradual transition towards independence.

The relationship between Journey Home and Imagineers has been vital. As a
technical assistance provider Journey Home is an expert in working to determine
who meets the definition of chronic homelessness. By utilizing Journey Home as
a third party screening and referral agency, the City of Hartford and Imagineers
are able to direct these limited resources to our most vulnerable community
members. Journey Home continues to collaborate closely with Imagineers to
ensure effectiveness and accuracy throughout the process and is looking forward
to creating more opportunities for eliminating barriers to affordable housing for
the homeless population in our communities.