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In February, a team of front-line staff from Greater Hartford organized the first regional Landlord Breakfast.  This breakfast pulled together 20 landlords from across the Greater Hartford region to share information about different housing programs that serve formerly homeless clients.

Representatives from a number of different programs gave presentations about the rules, requirements, and myths about housing programs.  Speakers talked about the Rental Assistance Program, Housing Choice Vouchers, Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Section 8, other state and federally funded programs, and security deposit programs.  A landlord with experience working with different programs in East Hartford and Manchester shared her positive experiences with the guests.

The event was the latest step in the statewide Zero: 2016 Campaign to end chronic homelessness.  After months of homeless service programs working together, this was an effort to expand the group of landlords who are able to support our formerly homeless neighbors by working with local programs.   Since the leading cause of homelessness is lack of affordable housing, this effort to build new and stronger relationships with local landlords has been essential, and following the breakfast several landlords reached out, eager to fill their vacant units with some of our regional clients.