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Journey Home has some exciting news to share! Michael Ellis was housed at the beginning of March in a two bedroom apartment as part of the Moving On program. Prior to signing a lease and receiving keys to his new place, Mike was a chronically homeless individual residing in the city of Hartford. He has worked diligently for this opportunity and while there were a few bumps along the road, he is now happily settled in his new home. He is looking forward to building a new life after experiencing nearly two years of homelessness and living in shelters in Hartford.

Mike worked with Making a House a Home to furnish his new home with chairs, tables, and beds.  The second bedroom will be set up as a place for his children to sleep in when they come to visit.  He moved into his apartment with nothing but a backpack and the clothes on his back. He now has a dish set, towels, and a coffee maker in his kitchen.

His goals for the future include finishing his education and getting his GED. Now that he is in stable housing in a supported environment, Mike will be able to rebuild a relationship with his children, pursue school, and take some time to care for his mental health. Mike continues to stay connected to services since moving in so he can be in a better position of taking care of himself and provide for his children. He hopes that sharing his story will help others experiencing homelessness find their way to housing as well.

Providing connections to stable housing for all individuals and families living in shelters and on the streets in the Greater Hartford area is the ultimate goal for Journey Home’s initiative to end chronic homelessness. Mike is just one example of how finding a new home after an experience of homelessness can open new doors to a brighter future.