Do you prefer your house messy or clean? When everything in your cabinets is stacked neatly, or when all the Tupperware comes tumbling down? When your laundry is sorted, or when everything comes out pink because of that one red shirt?

Life can be messy, but it doesn’t have to be! Thanks to our friends at the Connecticut Chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO-CT), we are not going to be messy any more, well, we at least won’t have an excuse anymore if we are.

Their team of about 30 organizers is going to come to our warehouse on July 11th to help us get our warehouse in tip-top organized shape. This won’t simply be folding blankets and sheets, it will be putting together sets of sheets in clear bins ready to go out to families in need, creating specific spots for kitchen sets, recyclables, and a drop off zone so when items come in they have a spot to be sorted and set locations to be filed away.

This team of organizers is going to make it so that any volunteer that comes in to help will know exactly where everything belongs with just one look around the room and be able to load the truck more efficiently, allowing for quicker pickups and drop offs for clients in need. This day of organizing will not only make our space look better, it will also make our program work more efficiently and effectively. We can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s finished! Stay tuned for photos, livestreams, and more on our organizing day, July 11th.

If you would like to donate to support this amazing event, please text “Give2Org” to 44321, or go to our website and click on the Donate page to find the NAPO-CT event and click “donate”.